
Try Our New App
MyAutoCare Insurance

Make claims on the go, no hassle, no waiting times.

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Intuitive Interface

Seamless navigation and interactions with a user-friendly design crafted for simplicity.

Made With Love

Crafted with passion and attention to detail, delightful user experience.

Easy To Use

Make claims wherever and whenever.

24/7 Support

Day or night, our dedicated support team is here to ensure your experience remains smooth and uninterrupted.

Smart Backup For Lifes Unexpected Detours.

Toss aside the old playbook of insurance jargon and embrace the MyAutoCare touch, where simplicity reigns supreme. Our heartfelt dedication is to make sure your path to resolution feels like a detour through your favorite scenic route, leisurely and free from surprises.

Don't just take our word for it. Download the MyAutoCare app now and let us add a touch of premium care to your everyday travels – safeguarding your adventures no matter where the road takes you.


Download & Login

You must have an active policy and
login details to use the app.

Make & Follow Claims

Your services and information will be on
the dashboard and your profile.

Enjoy Hassle Free Insurance

Our agents will message you or call you
regarding the progress of your claim.


Here are some snapshots from the application


User Reviews

Read the authentic feedback from our satisfied users and discover how our app is making a difference.

Download MyAutoCareInsurance Today

Disclaimer: The app can only be used if you already have an active policy with us.
Please contact [email protected]for further assistance.

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